Golgotha and the Garden Tomb There are 2 different options about the location of the site where Jesus was crucified and buried. The famous Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been built on one site, destroyed and rebuilt and changed over the years. Many Catholic denominations share this church. There is a large stone in one of the rooms that people believe was the stone where Jesus body lay to be anointed after his death, and worshipers come here especially to touch it and even wipe articles of clothing on it thinking that this will bless them. The tomb where Christ was thought by some to be laid was also in this building, and there was a long line up of people from every tongue and nation waiting to patiently to behold it. Nearby, in what is called the garden tomb, is a long rocky ridge which is thought by others to be the location of Golgotha (place of the skull) It does look like a skull and you can make out the eyes and mouth. Apparently a couple of hundred years ago this was much m...